High Performance Career Partners.
High Performance Career Partners.
Sideminds helps business leaders achieve their short and long-term career goals. Our experienced leaders blend coaching with practical step-by-step career management and development. We are ‘side minds’ supporting you today and developing your career for tomorrow.
Our Services
Job co-piloting

Career Strategy

Marketing audits


Our Approach

Our Approach
Businesses are constantly changing, so marketers and marketing departments need to adapt. We help them adapt by fitting in alongside the marketing leader; tackling immediate problems they face or giving them a second pair of eyes to optimise their brand, their team or their marketing plans.
Our approach is a combination of coaching with direct advice and project work. We find this helps the marketing leader develop, without slowing down the pace of progress needed in the business. The balance of coaching or direct advice depends on the brief and the task at hand, but we can uniquely do this because we are trained in coaching and have all been C-suite marketing leaders.
To unlock potential we have many bespoke tools and approaches. ANCHOR Factors and the Marketing Leader’s CODE are the only assessment tools which looks at the critical skills for marketing leaders to be successful. Click on the arrow key below to read about each ANCHOR Factor and explore business case studies.
ANCHOR Factors
Embraces the CEO change agenda, finds ways to rapidly test new approaches and evolves the way of working. Encourages entrepreneurial thinking and break up siloed thinking. Adapts quickly, responds to change easily and copes with obscurity. Sensitive to the external market.
Establishes effective working practices, ensuring stakeholders and informed and individuals understands their operational freedom. Follows the business plan, monitoring progress and ruthlessly prioritises activity. Innovation is controlled and purposeful.
Understands the natural homeostasis and works with the CEO to bring their business ambition to life and push the business forward. Tests new ideas and helps change areas which are sub-optimal and reinforces areas which need consistency.
Drives debate and discussion across the Leadership Team. Strong advocate for the customer and prepared to stick their neck out for what they believe. High resilience and persistence. Uses data smartly and in an unbiased way to make a point.
Builds trust and influence, establishing key relationship and alliances with the Leadership Team, so critical jobs get done. Constructively drives project prioritisation. Ensures discussions are brought to a conclusion, so clear unified messages are delivered to the wider business.
Navigates the Leadership Team effectively and ensures the right discussions are held and the right activity gets done. Skilful at knowing when to challenge and when to create unity for the wider business benefit.
Sets exacting standards, builds a high performing team and holds people and agencies to account. Confidently makes organisational changes to deliver strategy. Clears the way in the wider business for the marketing team deliver their goals.
Builds team capability and creates a strong team culture with everyone having a clear role and responsibility. A good listener and role model. Creates a safe environment that encourages learning and growth. An authentic leader, with a clear sense of purpose for the team.
Creates and maintains a high performing marketing team. Makes assertive decisions about the team and agencies and is a skilful situational leader, who is supportive and helps talent feel valued and grow.
Turns business issues into creative opportunities. Uses data as a springboard for insight discovery, creativity and vision. Makes customer touchpoints high-quality customer experiences. Inquisitive and curious, interested in customers, the wider market and the headline opportunities new technology can bring.
Rigorously uses data and logic from multiple sources to inform decision making. Keeps the company honest with its data and ensures marketing metrics are tied to business metrics everyone understands. Finds ways to enrich data and scenario test. Detailed interest in the performance or revenue benefits new technology can bring.
Moves comfortably from using their left brain, full of data and detail, to their right, full of images, concepts and connections. Combines analytical skills with creative aptitude and flair.
Creates long-term customer demand by developing a brand with a clear value proposition which is memorable, relevant and distinctive. Goes beyond the rational to build affinity and emotional connection. Develops compelling retention programmes for different audiences.
Uses direct response and optimisation techniques across multiple media channels to covert active audiences. Understands different customers’ buying journey and uses media throughout the funnel to enhance sales conversion. Carefully manages acquisition costs and maximises short-term return.
Focuses on priority audiences and effectively manages the marketing activity throughout the marketing funnel. From building brand connection higher up the funnel, through to the conversion and retention lower down the funnel.
Engages and aligns the Leadership Team in the development of a long-term plan with clearly defined goals and growth opportunities. Defines long-term ways to build value (innovation, M&A). Creates a compelling clarion call and storytelling for the business and investors.
Gets to the root cause of performance and responds quickly. Accelerates activity to gap fill. Street fighter attitude who finds tactical growth opportunities. Focuses effort on highest returning activity to deliver the annual plan. Tests new channels and rapidly adjusts activity depending on performance.
Vigilantly monitors performance in year and responds with short term initiatives to boost performance. Looks for future revenue opportunities and develops the long-term plan with key stakeholders.
Click a row for a description or click to see a case study
Discover your ANCHOR Factors and Marketing Leader’s CODE
What type of marketing leader are you and what does the business need?
Are you a Connector, who prioritises close relationships with the CEO, Leadership Team and wider business?
An Operator, who is into the detail, analysing data and maximising sales?
A Disruptor, who is opportunistic and thrives on change or an Explorer, who is strategic, insightful and

High relationship orientation with the CEO, Leadership Team and marketing

Analytical and data led, with a strong skill set in driving conversion and short term sales

Entrepreneurial and opportunistic, externally focused and assertively drives change

Strategic, insightful and looking at building the longer term business growth